The Justice Sector Coordination Office

Welcome to the Justice Sector Coordination Office, your gateway to a fair and effective justice system in Sierra Leone. As a pivotal institution, we are committed to fostering collaboration, promoting legal reforms, and ensuring equitable access to justice for every citizen.

Vision and Mandate

The vision of the JSCO is to serve as an effective and capable source of policy initiatives, resource mobilization, and support for Justice Sector Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), as well as Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), in developing, coordinating, and implementing justice sector reforms.

Shahid Korgie - JSCO_Coordinator

About Us

The Justice Sector Coordination Office

Discover who we are and what our commitment is to enhancing justice sector coordination and reform in Sierra Leone. Learn about our mission, vision, values, and the dedicated team driving our initiatives forward.


Foster collaboration among justice sector stakeholders, promote legal reforms, and ensure equitable access to justice for every Sierra Leonean.


Fair and efficient justice system that upholds the rule of law, protects human rights, promotes transparency, and contributes to sustainable development.

Core Values


We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our endeavours.


We are accountable to the public and stakeholders we serve.


We operate with openness and clarity in our actions.


We promote justice and equality under the law.


We strive for excellence in everything, ensuring the highest quality service delivery.

Our Mandates

Policy Development

Generating information to inform the development, synergy, and sequencing of policy implementation

Monitoring & Evaluation

Overseeing the implementation of strategic plans at both institutional and sector-wide levels.

Resource Mobilization

Securing resources from both the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and donors to support reform initiatives.

Facilitation of Reforms

Aiding in the development and execution of the GoSL’s strategic reform priorities for the justice sector.

Capacity Building

Promoting capacity development to sustain reform efforts.


Ensuring effective communication of the sector’s priorities, achievements, and challenges.


Encouraging cooperation among justice sector MDAs, the security sector, and CSOs.

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